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Paper goods stationery

James Barker paper goods include stationery, greeting cards, flash cards, gift wrap, notebooks, alphabet cards, kid's picture book. Our paper goods feature illustrations of dinosaurs, feathers, corals, animals, prehistoric, birds, jurassic animals and creatures, flamingos and alice in wonderland, london buildings, symbols, landmarks and wildlife, shakespearean costumes, shakespeare kings and symbols, bugs, natural history, botanical and plants, 




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A5 Cat in bushes notebook featuring a curious cat hidden on a wall behind some leaves.

This handy notebook is perfect for drawing and casual doodling, writing up field notes and keeping track of those long to do lists. Our notebook would make a stylish gift for cat and botanical lovers.

Our notebooks are illustrated by James Barker in his studio in the heart of London and printed and bound in the UK. Notebooks are plain inside, made of 100% recycled paper (FSC accredited) and completed with a matte finish cover. The notebook comes neatly presented with a kraft paper belly band.

  • Notebooks measures H21 x W14.8cm, H8.27 x W5.83in (A5).

  • Listing is for a single saddle stitched notebook

  • Not sure about this item? See our return policy.

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  • Made of 100% recycled paper (FSC accredited).

  • Cover is 300gsm, and inner pages are 90gsm.

  • Each notebook measures H21 x W14.8cm, H8.27 x W5.83in (A5).

  • Printed in the UK.