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Illustrated accessories – handkerchiefs, enamel pins, canvas tote bags.

James Barker illustrated accessories – handkerchiefs, enamel pins and fairtrade canvas tote bags. Featuring illustrations of dinosaurs, feathers, corals, animals, prehistoric jurassic animals and creatures, flamingos and alice in wonderland, london buildings, symbols, landmarks and wildlife, shakespearean costumes, shakespeare kings and symbols, bugs, natural history, botanical and plants, 


Mushroom enamel pin badge with red and gold finish by James Barker
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Mushroom enamel pin badge with red and gold finish by James Barker
red mushroom enamel pinphoto.jpg
black and red mushroom enamel pinphoto 2.jpg
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  • International delivery available.

Our Mushroom pin would make a fun and thoughtful gift or stocking filler for lovers of fun(gi) and keen pin collectors. Each pin comes presented on a branded kraft card. Available in red, or black finish in another listing.

Our enamel pins are illustrated by James Barker in his studio in the heart of London.

The Red Mushroom pin has imitation gold metal finish and attaches to garments with rubber fixing.

  • Measures 30 x 25mm

  • Not sure about this item? See our return policy.

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